Warragul Primary School
Be Safe, Be Fair, Think, Learn and Care
Welcome to the world of Warragul Primary School! A vibrant, active, and engaging learning environment for every student to explore and seek their dreams through learning and aspiring to be the best version of themselves.
At Warragul Primary School, students are at the centre of our mission for learning. We have created an environment that supports children and provides inspirational experiences and twenty first century learning innovations built on our rich history of teaching.
We believe these keystone lessons assist children with lifelong learnings and empower students with principles for success. We help guide and mould great future habits addressing the way children think, and approach life by using innovative strategies that result in them establishing strong and positive future relationships with people; us, each other, and the wider community. The benefits seen in all students, staff and alumnae – wherever their journey takes them in life.
A Warragul Primary School education is one that is founded on the tradition of our High Five Expectations:
Be Safe, Be Fair, Think, Learn and Care
Learning and teaching at Warragul Primary School is a dialogue between the principal, staff, families and students as well as the community. Having an open dialogue approach and coming together enables you as the parent to get involved in your child’s education and we invite you to join in the conversation and explore learning through leadership.
Warragul Primary School provides flexible learning and teaching, with a curriculum designed according to your child’s abilities. Within each class students are assessed and grouped according to their point of need, which provides them the opportunity to maximise or accelerate their learning.
We can’t wait for you to join our school and be a part of the wonderful Warragul Primary community.
Scott Clode,
Warragul Primary School Principal
Why choose Warragul Primary School?
Warragul Primary School is located in the centre of the large provincial city of Warragul in West Gippsland. We value our history of education of thousands of students over approximately 140 years and have several historic buildings.
Warragul Primary School is a two campus school with a current enrolment between 210-230 students. The Junior Campus, includes our historic buildings and has students from Foundation to Year 2. Our recently built Senior Campus has shared learning areas and extensive grounds and accommodates students from Years 3 to 6.
The campuses are located across a roadway from each other and work together as a whole school with specialist facilities for Science, Art and Physical Education across both campuses and accessed by all students and teachers. The grounds feature large playgrounds, netball/basketball courts, play equipment sets and attractive garden areas.
The Warragul Early Learning Centre opened in 2020 offers a three and four year old kindergarten program where children learn and prepare for school by developing strong social skills, improving their health and well-being and having fun learning in an encouraging and nurturing environment.
Warragul Primary School has a whole school curriculum based on the Victorian Curriculum and reflecting the particular values of our school community. We have a strong focus on providing a challenging and supportive learning environment through using assessment data and feedback to guide explicit teaching. All children are encouraged to achieve their best academically, socially/emotionally and to develop personal learning management skills. We encourage success and respect of the individual through our High Five Expectations: Be Safe, Be Fair, Think, Learn and Care, which are used with all students in classrooms, programs and playgrounds by all staff.
Teachers participate in weekly Professional Learning Teams to support their planning and encourage development of teaching strategies. Support Staff work in teams based on their area of work i.e. Administration or Integration. Teachers also work in teams to implement and monitor the School Strategic Plan. The School Leadership team focuses on Strategic Plan implementation, overall school direction and works closely with the School Council. Additional programs offered include: Student Leadership, Junior School Council, Swimming Program, Instrumental Music Tuition, Out of School Hours Care, and School Sports Program.
We are immensely proud of our school and you are always welcome to book a personal school tour and view for yourself the amazing environment and community of students and teachers that make up Warragul Primary School.
To book a tour at a time and day that suits you, please contact us:
Call: 03 5623 2460
Or Email us: warragul.ps@education.vic.gov.au